How The Science of Marketing Begins


"If we can not measure it, we don't do it"

Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of target market.

Aristotle Rhetoric is the father of marketing.
Rethoric is an art that aims to improve the facilities of speakers or writers who attempt to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific situations.

  • The first department store was in Japan (Mitsui) which was established in 1947 and still exist.
  • The first newspaper that carried an Ads in England which advertised coffee in 1652
  • The first advertising agency was N. Ayers and Sons in 1869.

When did marketing start?

Marketing did not exist as a term until the early 1900s. The first marketing textbook were published in the period 1900-1910. Some institutional economics started to teach "distribution", later added "advertising", and then "promoting", and "pricing".

"Early Contributors to Marketing"

  1. Dale Carnagie, "How to Win Fiends and Influence Other People" was established in 1963.
  2. Ernest dichter, a motivational psychologist "The Strategy of Desire".
  3. Dale Edward Barney, the Father of Public Relation "Crystallizing Public Opinion".
  4. David Oglivy, an Advertising Executive "Confession of Advertising Man".
  5. Stanly Marcus, a retail executive "Minding the Store"
  6. Alfred Pollitz, an Attitude Scientist "Life Study of Consumer Expenditure. 

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